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Qisya Elaira says hi
hai my name is qisya elaira
turn to 21
an accounting student
i love to write a random,if you guys feel annoyed..please,don't read it ok
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Jumaat, 25 April 2014 @ 4:46 PTG
up to date=update
Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters..hello..hey!it's been a long time i'm not write down anything on my, i really missed my blog..*bersih2kan sawang2 yang ade dekat blog nie*
Since we have a lot of social network so,i forgot that i have a blog..tehehehehe..sorry blog..huhuhu..
so,'s life?
Just great..Alhamdulillah..happy to be me..hehe..right now,tengah berjimba di rumah menghabiskan cuti midterm break for about 2!mesti korang akan cakap"wahhh,best yew cuti 2 bulan..heaven!"well actually,heaven tu memanglah heaven but can you imagine i'm doing the same things over and over again..of courselah boring but what can i do?hehehe..
what about my studies?hurmmm..i will finish my diploma in accountancy about 1 years je lagi..insyaaallah..
cakap pasal nie kan..well,my senior ada buatkan aku terpikir benda nie..if,someday i get work in accountancy,aku akan berkerja in a office 24 hours?perh..boleh ke aku hidup?duduk sambil menghadap komputer dan kena buat akaun..blurgh!aku pun ada juga terpikir time degree nanti aku nak sambung amik course apa?dan sudah semestinya akaun dah out-of-my-list..sorry..huhu..
My encik boyfriend?yeah,he's still with me..hehehe..still bertahan with my "kerenah" yang kadang2 banyak gak songeh yew..still i feel so thankful..eventhough,perangai sengal nie agak over but he never get angry easily..still be patient with me..kadang mengidam macam2 mengalahkan ibu mengandung but still dia akan usahakan juga..kadang2 aku cepat emosi but still dia akan pujuk aku balik..macam budak manjakan?yela,dengan sapa lagi aku nak manja2kan..hehehe..
i think that's all from me..ini saja je nak bagi exercise dekat jari2 nie..hehehe..till the next update,babai..xoxo! ^_^
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