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Qisya Elaira says hi

hai my name is qisya elaira turn to 21 an accounting student i love to write a random things..so,if you guys feel annoyed..please,don't read it ok

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Sabtu, 26 April 2014 @ 2:22 PG
untold story behind a girl's favourite song
"How Long Will I Love You by Ellie Goulding"

How long will I love you
As long as stars are above you
And longer if I can
How long will I need you
As long as the seasons need to
Follow their plan
How long will I be with you
As long as the sea is bound to
Wash up on the sand
How long will I want you
As long as you want me to
And longer by far
How long will I hold you
As long as your father told you
As long as you can
How long will I give to you
As long as I live through you
However long you say
How long will I love you
As long as stars are above you
And longer if I may
How long will I love you
As long as stars are above you

i've heard a quotes"behind every girl's favourite song is an untold story"
it's true and fact..well,as i'm a girl too..hehe
Perempuan,yeah..memang sifatnya pemalu dan jenis tak suka untuk berterus terang.lagi2 tentang perasaan die sendiri..suka memendam..
sekasar2 mana pun seorang perempuan tu mesti adalah juga sifat nie sebab ianya fitrah.
Dia suka bermain teka-teki lagi2 melibatkan soal hati.
so,kalau some girl tujukan lagu for someone yang dia minat,mesti ada maksud tersirat yang cuba dia nak sampaikan pada someone yang dia minati tu..kalau ada,so wow!anda sangat istimewa bagi dia.
Pada someone "special" tu pula,janganlah nak buat blur2 pula..hehehe..hayati lirik tu..
So,kepada kaum adam diluar sana,kadang2 mesti korang tak fahamkan perempuan nie macam mana..yela kejap cakap lain,kejap mood ok,kejap mood swing..hehe..biasalah tu,perempuan dia sukakan perhatian..bak kata orang "caring.."lagi2 dengan orang yang dia suka..
But just satu je,please apprieciate them..bukan senang tau perempuan nie nak memberanikan diri nak luahkan apa yang dia rasa.kalau tak suka,just tolak dengan cara yang baik and terus terang..yela,mula2 tu of course susah sikit nak terima sebab siapa tak malu bila proposal kena reject beb!hehe..tapi slow2 benda tu akan hilang takpun kena anti je..hehe..tapi kalau yang jenis hardcore or psiko tu..hurmmm..wallahua'lam 

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Jumaat, 25 April 2014 @ 4:46 PTG
up to date=update
Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters..hello..hey!it's been a long time i'm not write down anything on my blog..huhu..now, i really missed my blog..*bersih2kan sawang2 yang ade dekat blog nie*
Since we have a lot of social network so,i forgot that i have a blog..tehehehehe..sorry blog..huhuhu..
so,ira..how's life?

Just great..Alhamdulillah..happy to be me..hehe..right now,tengah berjimba di rumah menghabiskan cuti midterm break for about 2 months..wow!mesti korang akan cakap"wahhh,best yew cuti 2 bulan..heaven!"well actually,heaven tu memanglah heaven but can you imagine i'm doing the same things over and over again..of courselah boring but what can i do?hehehe..

what about my studies?hurmmm..i will finish my diploma in accountancy about 1 years je lagi..insyaaallah..
cakap pasal nie kan..well,my senior ada buatkan aku terpikir benda nie..if,someday i get work in accountancy,aku akan berkerja in a office 24 hours?perh..boleh ke aku hidup?duduk sambil menghadap komputer dan kena buat akaun..blurgh!aku pun ada juga terpikir time degree nanti aku nak sambung amik course apa?dan sudah semestinya akaun dah out-of-my-list..sorry..huhu..

My encik boyfriend?yeah,he's still with me..hehehe..still bertahan with my "kerenah" yang kadang2 banyak gak songeh yew..still i feel so thankful..eventhough,perangai sengal nie agak over but he never get angry easily..still be patient with me..kadang mengidam macam2 mengalahkan ibu mengandung but still dia akan usahakan juga..kadang2 aku cepat emosi but still dia akan pujuk aku balik..macam budak manjakan?yela,dengan sapa lagi aku nak manja2kan..hehehe..

i think that's all from me..ini saja je nak bagi exercise dekat jari2 nie..hehehe..till the next update,babai..xoxo! ^_^

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